Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Quasia!

I can't believe Quasia is 3 years old today. I remember celebrating her 1st birthday, and it doesn't even seem so long ago. I wish I could be home to celebrate, but I did send a package home. I'll probably wait until I get home to let her have it though. Hopefully my parents will spoil her. I'll probably post pictures later of when she actually gets to celebrate her birthday.

Oh, and I'm sorry I haven't really been around or updated lately. I've just been so busy. It's my last week of classes, before finals, and I've just had so much to do. I haven't even really had a chance to study for finals yet. Anyways, that's my excuse.

Happy 3rd Birthday Quasia Cutie!!!


Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Quasia!

Indiana and Irie (who just celebrated her 1st B-day)

Kelsey, Keno, Mallory, and Chappelle said...

Happy Belated Birthday Quasia!